The combination of pre-landing page + extra monetization by push notifications from AdProfex undoubtedly increases your income from advertising campaigns. We have tested this approach more than once and are ready to confirm: installing our push collector on the pre-landing page does not drop CR and easily gives an increase in income up to +30%, since we provide the highest rates on the CIS market.

Top 5 GEOs with CPC in cents:

  • RU — 8,86 ¢
  • DE — 4,21 ¢
  • PL — 3,22 ¢
  • KZ — 2,49 ¢
  • BD — 1,83 ¢

Extra monetization by push notifications does not affect the CR of the main offer. You can pledge additional benefits in the click price and get higher-quality traffic.

Average indicators of push notification monetization from AdProfex:

  • additional monetization of the main offer — up to +30% to income;
  • income per subscriber — from 6 to 10 rubles (depending on the quality of traffic);
  • subscription lifetime — 6 months.

We used two pre-landing pages for the test. On one of them there was an installed extra monetization by push notifications, while there was none on the second. On each pre-landing page we ran 230,000 clicks over a week. You can see the results below.

  • Pre-landing without extra monetization. Expenses — 671,185 ₽. Income — 696,600 ₽. Profit — 25,415 ₽.
  • Pre-landing with extra monetization. Expenses — 673,680 ₽. Income — 625,800 ₽. Additionally, we managed to collect 35,000 subscribers. Each subscriber brought 7 rubles. And extra monetization added 245,000 ₽ to the main income. Profit — 197,120 ₽.

25,415 ₽ profit versus 197,120 ₽ on the same traffic volume. The favorite is obvious.

The combination of pre-landing page + extra monetization by push notifications from AdProfex not only helped us avoid a negative result, but also seriously increased the income of the advertising campaign without expanding the budget or other significant changes.

You can easily repeat or surpass our case. All you need is 15 minutes of free time to install extra monetization on your pre-landing pages. We leave a link to registration and contact of our manager if you need help with connection.

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