Special characters have appeared in the advertiser’s personal account and can be added to ads.
A total of 8 categories are available
- smiles and people,
- animals and nature,
- food and drinks,
- actions,
- travel,
- objects,
- symbols,
- flags.

You can use them both in native ads and push-notifications.

- According to marketing research, the use of emoji solves the problem of banner blindness, increases the emotional impact on the user and increases CTR.
- Ads with emoji stand out from the crowd and look like personal messages, this is especially true for push ads. Leanplum and App Annie presented a joint research showing that push notifications with emoji are opened by users 85% more often.
However, an overabundance of special characters or their irrelevant use can cause the opposite effect, this is worth taking into account.
To test the update yourself, go to your personal account.