Recommended prices is a forecasting and bid selection tool which reflects the percentage increase in audience coverage to the current value.
How does the tool work?
Using this functionality, you can set appropriate rates, while maintaining efficiency, and get maximum coverage at minimum costs.
What are the main pros and cons?
The tool directly affects the increase in the efficiency of targeted purchase. We get higher bids, and you get more quality traffic, because you see what will be an increase in the coverage and at what exact bid. Now, with other things being equal, you will not overpay.
However, it is important to understand that the recommended prices are predictive in nature, as they reflect the increase in coverage at the current time.
Let’s take a look at an example
Recommended prices are in the Ads section.

Screenshot from personal account
Each ad has its own price. For the second ad on the screen it is 2.50 rubles. But, if you increase the price to the recommended value of 3.8, the coverage will increase by +296%.
The highest bid does not always equal the highest efficiency.
If at some moment your recommended prices do not load, this means that there is not enough data yet or the auction has just been updated: your recommendations are being calculated, you need to wait a bit.
Use the best recommendation, as it has the highest efficiency — the option is highlighted with a medal icon.
Test the update and be sure to share your success with us. Well, if you still have any questions, the support will definitely answer them.