How to register in a personal account we found out yesterday. Now let’s replenish the balance.

“Add funds” button is in the upper right corner.
Select the replenishment amount, the minimum is 3000 rubles.

Move to creating a campaign
Click the “Create a campaign” button.

Create a campaign. The name of an ad campaign should be given based on your convenience, the destination URL can be taken from the affiliate program.

Be sure to set limits — daily and total for a campaign. This is really important because when the limits run out, the campaign will stop.
When you set targeting settings, you can see a change of indicator in the section “Available number of displays per day” in the upper right corner.
It reflects an approximate number of displays which you can receive from the selected targets. The forecast is based on data for the past day. You can also exclude some parameters in the targeting settings. For example, include Indonesian and exclude English language.

Take into account that black list (a list of platforms with low quality traffic) should be filled out only after statistics analysis. It’s not always worth adding a site to the blacklist if it generates traffic that doesn’t convert well. It is better to set a selective coefficient. But we also do this only after we receive enough data for analysis.
Please note that you can set up a flexible schedule of displays. Run traffic only during those hours and days of week, when the audience is most willing to make purchases. This data can also be obtained through web analytics. Our media buying team thinks that morning is the most productive time.

Set up audience or contextual segments. Be attentive while setting up micro bidding. If you work with statistics not so long, use no more than 2 parameters at a time and increase their number gradually.
This function allows you to set up increasing and decreasing coefficients depending on the key indicators performance. For example, some operators provide better traffic than others (especially relevant for Indonesia). One more example: your cost per click for an ad campaign is 2 rubles, but at a time when conversion rate is worse, you set the cost to be 20% or even 40% less. This is done to be able to save money without completely stopping the traffic.
It is important to remember that all parameters are interconnected and you should not get carried away, since you can either decrease too much or unreasonably increase the rates.
Done, click save, go to the general list of campaigns and move on to creating ads. Go to the campaign and find the “Create an Ad” button in the upper right corner.

While creating an ad, use macros (city, day, region, month) when writing ad titles. It helps you to personalize an ad and make it more interesting for the user.
Note that to the right you can see how the ad will look for the users (Ad preview window).
To find out the cost per click use the “Network Volumes” section.

This function allows you to estimate traffic volumes by GEO taking into account different targets, and determine the optimal cost per click for your ad thanks to the display of CPC (minimum and optimal).
Do not forget to set up an ad limit and check the «Do not launch ad after moderation» checkbox if you want to launch the ad manually.
Click “Enable” and wait for the moderation. We launch it manually when we deem it necessary.
Great! The traffic is running, we did everything right and can be proud of ourselves. Tomorrow we will return to our campaign and will optimize it.